Jade gemstone
Category: Silicate Mineral
Color: green, white, grey, black, yellow, and orange and violet tones
Luster: greasy
Occurrence: India, China, Russia, Canada, News Land and America
Associated Birth month: April and May
Associated Zodiac Sign: Taurus
General Properties of Jade Gemstone
‘Jade’, also known as yu the royal gem in China, is strictly speaking a general term for two different gemstones, named jadeite and nephrite. It is a gemstone of unique symbolic energy with its wide-ranging expressiveness and beauty; it is very desirable for human for thousands of years. In ancient times, however, it was used rather more for its toughness, which made it an ideal and preferable material for weapons and tools. In the long history of the culture and art of the huge Chinese empire, jade has always had very special benefits, roughly comparable with that of diamonds and GOLD in the West. This gemstone was used not only for the cult figures and finest objects, but also in grave decorating for high-ranking members of the imperial family. In present time, this gemstone is regarded as a symbol of the good, the precious and the beautiful. However, as long time ago before the Columbian period, the Mayas, Olmec and Aztecs of Central America also esteemed and honored this gemstone more highly than GOLD. Maoris of New Zealand began carving cult instruments and weapons from native jade in ancient times, a culture which has continued to the present day.
Healing, Metaphysical and Spiritual Properties of Jade gemstone
In ancient people of Egypt, jade was admired as the stone of inner peace, love, balance and harmony. In other cultures and regions too, this gemstone was also regarded as a protective or lucky stone; yet it had nowhere near the benefits that it had in Asia, which was generally due to the fact that people knew relatively little about this healing and fascinating gem.
Fortunately, in recent times, understanding of the people according to this gem, which fascinates not only the connoisseurs by its perfect and good interplay of toughness and hardness with an enchanting fine luster and range of colors, has improved and their esteem for it has been on the increase all over the world.
This gemstone has been recognized by the Amerindians as a remedy for kidney problems. Because of its beneficial effect and healing effect on the kidneys, the gemstone was also known as ‘lapis nephriticus’.
This gemstone embodies the Confucian virtues of wisdom, compassion, justice, courage and modesty, yet it also symbolizes the female-erotic.
How to distinguish a good jade?
Usually, the value of jade is determined by its color and the intensity of that color, the texture and vivacity, and its transparency and clarity. A liking for particular colors varies from culture to culture and region to region. In green jade alone, there are seven main qualities from the intense green, even green of imperial jade, apple green, spinach green, and lighter and heavily speckled shades of green. These special color differentiations often overlap and can hardly be recognized by the untrained eye. In the Europe and USA, apple green, spinach green and emerald green are regarded as specifically valuable. On the other hand, in the Far East, fine yellow or a pure white with a delicate pink undertone is highly desirable. In the world of jewelry, the fine violet shade of lavender jade are very popular.